I really really really wanted to interact with soil because I felt that I didn’t discharge for long time. My electricity was full in body and always started to think. So I decided to have a trip with Andrea. We took a walk from Pendenis castle to Gylly beach.
On the way to Pendenis castle, we found a cat and the cat started to follow us. We were super happy to walk with the cat. The cat jumped from a wall to a wall sometimes walk on the road. The cat even tried to walk on a fence which doesn’t have stable way. There was an old lady talked to us and said that this cat always follows people.
After we decided to leave the cat. There was a old guy with a dog. And the dog burked at the cat. And the cat didn’t do anything wrong but the guy kicked the cat. I really felt sorry for the cat. I imagined if the cat didn’t follow us.
I felt like we dragged the cat to our human society. If we followed the cat, we might have been in a fantasy. But we took the cat to the human world.
But also I felt that the cat was happy to be cared by us as well. After the cat was kicked, we came back and cuddle a bit and the cat decided to leave before we left. I learned that being a stray cat must be very free but also needs to be very brave and confident. I just imagine what if I decide to live out of this society. And I realized how I like the balance of being in-between the self and the heart. The cat was fully alive in the heart. I’m still weak so I’ll be in-between the self and the heart.