Pomegranate rituals
After having some interactions with vegetables, I became interested in colors on vegetables. I found pomegranate’s red color as my blood. I used to use potatoes lots. A potato for me was European but it is originally an immigrant (and also it was called as a devil’s vegetation by most people because of poisons in potatoes) and it pretends as if it is fully European. That kind of circumstance influenced me a lot. And I still can get so much inspirations from it. At that time when I used pomegranates, I was feeling bleeding because of I used too much potatoes in my body. I mean that I tried to fit in this society in British way too much. So I often cried without any reasons. Potatoes were great inspirations but also they were sometimes forcing me to adapt to the environment. Pomegranates are original from middle east which is in between Asia and Europe. So I wanted to use pomegranates as my blood from Japan to UK. I lit candles around me to focus on the pomegranate which was in front of me. I often used candles to meditate or heal my invisible pressure to experience nothingness. The orange light made me more calmer than the white light.