I am an alien,
now I am in England, I misunderstand mostly everything
Even when I am in a land where I was born, I am still an alien though
You tend to believe that you belong to a land where you were born
Can you understand about everyone in your land?
Everyone has their own planets and also connected to the same planet “Sun”
Our bodies are just planets for our souls
I have no confidence of understanding everyone in this world
But I have confidence of enjoying misunderstandings
Sometimes between an alien and an alien as an element and an element,
there would be a chemical reaction happens and it may be possible to find a new idea
Misunderstandings may make people nervous, restless, uncomfortable
The process of finding the new ideas is really hard and you need to be patient to listen for my talk and talk to make me understood
There is a concept of languages and cultures as a barrier between me(Harukanese) and you in this reality
(Personally I’m not good at eye contact, I tend to do nodding and bowing, according to an article about Japanese culture, eye contact is disrespectful to do, nodding is for showing your agreement and bowing is for showing that “I’m not your enemy!”)
I believe that if we can communicate beyond the cultural or linguistic background, we can see our planets more clearly
Probably what I do may be like upside-down for people in this land
There would be so many contradictions among us
I want to talk about ambiguous questions to find your thoughts and my thoughts and hopefully find new perspectives of this world
I don’t need to know about British culture in general
I want to know more like your own culture as an element of this world
What you eat doesn’t make you
What you get doesn't make you
You are the nutrition for yourself
When you look up the sky you may find many sheep, sometimes a dragon or a train
The texture of pavement always tells me the condition of this world
My nose tells me that I am here
Try to walk long long way, your legs will depart from your body and in the end, they will be different part of you
Smell of hair is the only evidence of my existence
Feet absorbed all my memories, they are my memory stick
I found slight differences at my home from yesterday