A dance with a laundry and the wind
It was a beginning of my exploring with movement of my body to express something. After the Keiken’s performance, I started to be interested in how my body embodies this environment. And I wanted to find new possibilities in this ordinary life. I felt that I got used to live in Falmouth too much. That was the reason why I got homesickness because I found some excitement in Japan(but I don’t want to go back though). So I started to focus on small existences and indications of objects or nature. The first thing was the laundry. The sound of laundry always disturbs us when we watch a film in a living room, I wanted to express the sadness of the laundry which works for us but people are annoyed.
And also I tried to embody wind as well, I was listening to the wind through a recording equipment so the sound was more clearer than my human ear does. The recorded sound was not so good but I loved seeing the movement. Inspirations were from Japanese dance Butoh and Min Tanaka. The way they dance always tells us that we are destined to go to the ground in the end. Comparing to the ballet, their dance is more focusing on the interaction with the ground.