Artist statement
Haruka Fukao
Look into a pond, you will find yourself on the surface of the water.
Once you touch the face, you will escape to somewhere.
“Do I have my head?Am I feet?”
The moon is always following you.
Or you are always following the moon.
“Is there any distance?How far is far away?”
I’m above you. You are below me.
I’m below you.You are above me.
“Gravity. Will the sky and the soil never
merge together?”
Inside outside
“Is there another me inside the earth? Am I the universe?”
The questions are your mirror.
A voice could be a language,
but a voice could be a sound.
When you peel an onion, you will find there is nothing inside.
The atmosphere between you, people and objects reflects yourself.
So, where are you?
They were brought to Europe from Peru.
They experienced a sad period as a vegetation of the devil because of poisonous, SOLANINE.
But later, people changed their mind because they were starving.
So potatoes sacrificed themselves as food.
A devil to An angel.
The fate of potatoes are always swayed by human beings.
They may have wanted to destroy humanity but they decided to revive humanity.
What you hear, how you see, how you feel,
guesswork is fine.
Misunderstandings make my work , me and you head to a deep valley.
I don’t explain my art, my language.
Beneath this earth, there may be a hole, the sky, human organs or nothingness.