A childish walk from my home to the school
I walk the same way everyday, and I started to wonder what if I try to find the ordinary life through different perspectives. Especially at that time, my emotion was up and down everyday because of mostly a dissertation so I wanted to be childish. I jumped from a manhole to a manhole and I used a wooden stick to make sounds of metal by drumming a electric pole. I wanted audience to experience what I exactly hear because recorded sound on the video belongs to the video camera’s perspective. So I used binaural voice recorder machine to record through my ears. It was very interesting to listen to the sound after the walk. I found that as if I was still walking in the sound even though I finished walking. And I made Onomatope from the video. Onomatope is expressing sounds for textures, emotions and tastes like ‘Bang bang, Pon pon’. I used my memories to find the right Onomatope to explain how I felt about the walk. I’m interested in Repetition. Everyday walk from home to school is repetitive. I wanted to create extraordinary from the ordinary days. The inspirations were from Richard Long and Tehching Hsieh. Richard Long’s photographs which record straight up and down at 11am everyday showed even in different places or regions, the sky and the ground were almost same. It told me the opposite idea of my artwork.
Listen with your headphone
1 わたしの視覚と聴覚からの視点とあなたの視覚からの視点
2 わたしの歩いた経験からできたオノマトペとあなたの視覚からの視点
3 あなたの視覚からの視点
1 my visual and aural perspective and your visual perspective
2 my onomatopoeia voice from the experience of my walk and your visual perspective
3 your visual perspective
"My childish walk"
I walked from my home to my school. The way is which I walk everyday. When I walked on the roads, I always felt indications from some objects like a pillar, leaves, a tree, a fence and so on nevertheless I had never tried to interact with them properly because I cared about TIME.
And I realized that I used to do walking to interact with objects on the way to my primary school(and sometimes I was late).
So I decided to interact with even small indications from objects. And I edited videos playfully. I listened to sounds and I interpreted them in Onomatope(my language). And I overlapped same videos to create musics and new movements.
Through the process, I could realize that the ordinary road has massive possibilities. Opening childish eyes is the key element to create arts.