One day, we went to a charity shop and we found two interesting sunglasses. We immediately decided to buy them. And we went to Organic shop afterwards. We bought two blood oranges and we took videos near the shop. The performance piece happened in one or two hours spontaneously.
It was the beginning of the life as PO and ZUM. We gradually tried understanding our characters through interacting with the oranges. How we peer, how we eat, how we treat the oranges showed our personalities and characters. The two characters (PO and ZUM) reminded me of Fischli and Weiss’s bear and rat. In the video of ‘The least resistance’, they interacted with Art like detectives. It was like treating the oranges. We were trying to find new interpretations of the oranges.
The reason why we had chosen a blood orange was because of the strangeness. The outside looks normal but once you open, you will find the color of human flesh. The appearance is like eating human meat or organ. “I’ve never seen my organs. I wonder what the taste of them like?”. Such kind of curiosity created the actions of peering and eating weirdly. The shape and colors of the orange reminds me of lunatic super moon.
I used the music from 700ok to create the atmosphere of the video strangely. The sounds helped to imagine of the texture of the orange.