When I go somewhere with Charlie, I always brought my tea set for a tea ceremony. I really liked having a tea ceremony with Charlie because she always appreciate the silence of the bubbles. When we felt like occupied by minds, we started to do the tea ceremony.
We both are influenced by Tibetan Buddhism and we knew about the power of colors from Tibetan’s prayer flags. Blue is the sky and the heaven, White is the wind, Red is the fire, Green is the water and Yellow is the soil. The are like five elements from China and Japan. Red could be desire for love, white is pureness and wisdom, green is power and vitality, Yellow is equality, Blue is truth.
We didn’t think of the meanings for the colors but subconsciously we could head to the right places at the right moments. When we needed the truth, we went the ocean and we just looked at a spiral in the ocean. When we needed some energy, we went to the lawn and met a lady with a dog to talk. When we had a desire for the silence to feel the universe, we were in a garden full of red flowers and I served a cup of green tea, I asked 14 questions on white papers, there was a yellow cat coming, and the sky was completely blue. Charlie drew symbols by colorful pastels. So we were in the universe by surrounded by the colors.
Om Mani Padme Hum
This mantra has the five elements. I often use this mantra for meditation and I feel calm because this five elements are the truth and the universe. I found that there is nothing so thats why everything is everything, So it’s kind of everything is reflected in everything like mirrors. Nothing exists because everything is reflections. But everything exists because there is nothingness.