I joined JOMO the artist experimental exhibition. At that time, I was super depressed so I really didn’t want to interact with anyone and I didn’t want to create ‘Art works’ too. I found many pillows in the life drawing studio and I grabbed them to make walls around a sofa. A sofa is supposed to be sat by people but I didn’t want to sit on that. I wanted to lie down under the sofa more than following the function. In the beginning, I was reading a Japanese book in loud. The book was about a family who found them out as aliens from different planets in The Solar system. As I stated in the explanation about the pomegranate, I was bleeding because I was totally an alien. When you are bleeding, you need a bandage, the bandage was the book written in Japanese about the feelings about aliens. And I used a collection of videos to project colors onto the pillows. The videos were ‘A childish walk from my home to the school’, ’Nature kaleidoscope’, ‘Forest box’, ‘Meditative snail dance’ and ‘Umi e Ikou’. They represented my unbalance state of mind and my childish mind. There were funniness and sadness living together.