I have sewn two jackets from canvases with printmaking. Unn printed some images from our videos with blue colors and I thought that it would be wonderful to do a performance in front of videos wearing the images.
We prepared popcorn, beers, a tree(as a symbol of our two personalities, ex. Haruka and Po, Roots and a tree), Unn’s paintings, drawings and the videos through a projector. We got two cameras this time so we used them for capturing two different angles. It was a good idea. Always the video can’t show the whole activities. We need to compromise. We set the cameras crossing each other. It was like we put our each eyes in separate positions to see different interpretations.
This work was inspired by Joan Jonas’s performance for TATE. She was performing in front of projectors and it looked so dreamy. It was like traveling to a crystal palace. She played with objects. Like a mask, paintings, a white circle and so on. I found a white color reflects the projector well, we used a white duvet as one of the elements too.
We started to eat popcorn and drink beer, and suddenly we started to wear our painted sewn dress as masks, Unn looked like a shell, I looked like an Egyptian god. We totally became a state of trance because of the projection, popcorn, beer and each other’s actions. I didn’t think anything, when I found something interesting, I used them to PLAY. That’s it. We were in a state of FLOW. In the end of the performance, we hugged the boxing punching bag and the camera died at the same time. I found that we could trust on the MOMENT very much at that time. So we could create the INTIMACY.
The reason why the intimacy appears might have been because of distractions. There were so many elements distracting us. But because of them, we somehow could focus on the atmosphere and everything blurry.
I made a video using black and white color and also layering images. I focused on shadows especially to imply the existence of our shadow parts which are original Haruka and Unn. The movement of hands showed our desires for seizing something invisible. And the ritual creatures are shown wearing costumes on our heads. They look very sad and it seems trying to get beer to forget the sadness. In the end of the video, I put a scene of putting ZUM’s costume like a backstage and my sunglasses reflecting myself. I kind of wanted to show the reality in this dreamy PO and ZUM world. I interpret this art piece as the bridge of in-between ‘Haruka and PO’ and in-between ‘Unn and ZUM’.