Answers for 14 questions in 28 books
14 is a number for the incomplete moon(one day more and then it will be full moon)
28 is not enough to show the new moon
New moon doll and full moon doll have legs
I’m thinking of making 8 books for each responders
I exhibited for FOMO(Fear of missing out)
I showed my books of answers for 14 questions.
I asked 28 people in Japan, Cambodia, Malaysia and UK
I showed my questions but under the table because I though that the questions were not so important
from the books, audience got ideas and they wrote questions or drawings on a transparent paper and soak in water in a bowl
I was staying under the table and listening to people's conversation

I joined Fear Of Missing Out as an exhibiter. I put some answers in tiny books as the moon cycle, I prepared Japanese Washi papers and water in a silver bowl. And some people wrote some answers and questions down on the papers and put them in the water. Then black inks on the paper made blurred letters on the white. I can’t read what they wrote but the traces told me how unnecessary to know about the every question and answer in this world. That was like FischIi and Weiss’s concept. I was hiding under the table holding the question paper. I didn’t show the actual questions on the table and I was hiding that under the table. Hiding me myself was the kind of answers for the questions. Some people found me and some people thought that I was a doll, a sculpture made of plaster but I’m human. For finding whether I’m human, a doll or a sculpture, they need to touch or talk. Nevertheless even they talked to me I didn’t answer at all. I wanted to trust on their each interpretation for both hidden me and also the questions.