After having met the cat, I found a good mud on the road. So I decided to make a human shape out of it on the road. I dedicated that on a stone I found in the forest. And I put many flowers. I rubbed my hands like a fly does. I believe that sometimes flies do praying. After having given my energy, I released the human shape to nothing again. I crashed the doll in my palms and put the soil to a tree and covered with a leaf. I felt the process was like our human life. I was a baby who didn’t know anything but gradually I could know that I have my arms and legs and my head, and suddenly realized that I stand on a concrete (stone) and covered by many elements (flowers leaves…) but being played or prayed by invisible hands, I realized that I’m just in the palms. And I knew that I will be soil and go back to nature in the end of my life.
The work may be inspired by Ana Mendieta. Her ‘Silueta series’ influenced me to create human shapes and returning to nature again. Her way of using soil was as if covering human body.